Sunday, February 28, 2010

Random Musings 02-28-2010

The International Olympic Committee really, Really, REALLY needs to lighten up...or better yet just shut up, and try to support athletes.

Not that I really expect them to...

It looks like my state of Georgia, and my county where I'm an educator are facing major budget cuts for next year and quite probably the next few years. All I can say is that my feelings (and those of most of my colleagues as well) is that I'd rather see pay cuts than lay offs. I'm willing to work for less money (not happy about it, but willing to "soldier on") if it means that I and my colleagues still have jobs trying to teach our students. I didn't get into this for the money to begin with, quite obviously. Having said that, everyone I work with at my school (and I'm reasonably sure this is true in most schools) does a much needed job in trying to educate our students. Any one who knows me knows I think education has been underfunded in a major way for years, and that educators as a group are vastly underpaid and unappreciated. So... since I've put up with that scenario for years, what's a couple of years more...

The next few years will be interesting, and I'm reminded of the supposed curse "may you live in interesting times" when I say that...

The NFL combine is going on this weekend, and I'm just not as excited about it as I used to be. Maybe because I seen enough football to know that how much a person can bench press is nice, even helpful...but in the end a young man will prove whether or not he can play in the NFL on the field...not in the gym...just saying...

All I have to do to realize that my problems are minor is check the news about Haiti and Chile, and then I know that I have no cause to complain...