Presently on my "furlough day" - i.e. forced day off without pay, which is part of my county's cut back attempts to balance the budget. Trying to use the day wisely, did some house chores this morning before the rest of the family woke up, later went to the chiropractor, and ran a few errands. Presently enjoying the use of my local library's computer and internet access since our main house computer is in need of repair. Hope everyone is doing well out there in the rest of the wired and unwired world.
Good news, the Democrats picked up a House seat in a special election yesterday. Congratulations to Kathy Hochul.
This blog started out as a way to keep in touch with some of my former students,but has morphed into the wild and varied ramblings of a former wrestling/track coach/history teacher. Nowadays I'm a counselor to the oppressed and lost (aka as teen-agers) and share a nice home with some dogs, cats, a vegetarian teen moralist, a precocious pre-teen animal whisperer, and an intelligent, beautiful harried spouse who tries to impose order on the chaos, along with a few good books...