I guess the eyes are starting to go. I used to think the really dark background was cool and gothic looking. Now all I know is that I have a hard time reading it on other folk's blogs and mine as well. What's next? Large print books (I've already checked a few out from the library when that was all that was available, will I soon be able to only check those out??!!?? Are there any large print H. P. Lovecraft books out there????
And we won't even start to talk about toothaches and knees and shoulder joints here lately.
My daddy warned me this would happen...
This blog started out as a way to keep in touch with some of my former students,but has morphed into the wild and varied ramblings of a former wrestling/track coach/history teacher. Nowadays I'm a counselor to the oppressed and lost (aka as teen-agers) and share a nice home with some dogs, cats, a vegetarian teen moralist, a precocious pre-teen animal whisperer, and an intelligent, beautiful harried spouse who tries to impose order on the chaos, along with a few good books...